Klercide Neutral Detergent is a non-ionic, sterile neutral detergent with a pHbetween 5.5-7.5. It is a mix of deionized water and a fatty alcohol ethoxylate.It is designed to remove contamination in critical areas particularly cleanrooms, isolators, production equipment and all nonporoussurfaces. It is particularly effective on oily and sticky spillages or following general maintenance especially where lubricantshave been applied.ce.
    • Features and Advantages
    • Specifications
    • Applications

    ◆ Features

     Non-ionic, sterile neutral detergent.

    It is particularly effective on oily and sticky spillages or following general maintenance.

    Compatible with materials in the clean room.

    ○ In addition to the ordinary packaging, this product also has ready-to-use packaging, which is easy to use.

    ◆ Advantages

     The product is non-toxic, non-irritating and safe to use under normal use.

    It is filtered by 0.2 micron filter, and packed in a sterile double-layer package.

    ○ The product does not contain any propellant, and does not require special treatment.

    ○ Each batch product is accompanied by analysis certification

    This product can be directly used on clean surfaces (concentrate products should be diluted in proportion). Evenly wipe or spray on the surface and set contact time according to different microbes.