卫利的工作環境讓人倍感親切又倍受鼓舞。卫利現有各類工程師逾 100名,行政文秘人員和售後工程支援人員約 100名。 所有工程師及行政人員皆持有專業資格,多人持有學士以上的學位。
卫利員工對自身行业充滿熱忱。公司鼓勵員工不斷積極進取, 員工也將這份熱忱滲透到了工作及跟客户的互動中。
卫利的可貴之處在於一直支持員工追求自己所在行业的更新發展, 讓自已; 讓公司及客戶共創更光輝的未來 。
Winifred offers a friendly and inspiring working environment for over 100 engineering staff and over 100 support, administrative and after-sales services staff. All our team members are professionally qualified, with many holding university degrees.
With a highly motivated staff team, members have the opportunity to practice their craft at a high level and to form enriching relationships with our valued clients.
It’s an organization where wellbeing is nurtured along with high technologies. Company and its people share a vision to build the strengths and dispositions that create a brighter future for all.